Thursday, July 1, 2010

Heading Further North

Well, Randall's tooth was mended ok so we headed out of Alice Springs for the next part of our adventure. We really enjoyed our time in and around AS, and were glad we took the time to check it all out.
We passed the Tropic of Capricorn, so we knew we were close to warm weather at last.

We had an overnight stop at The McDouall Stuart Memorial rest area. We had a nice night chatting to some people stopped there, by a nice campfire and having a lesson in the stars - finding the Southern Cross. When it was dark, some people towing a car pulled up - very noisy, filling up their tank with the last of their petrol. We were a bit worried they might approach us for help, but finally they took off and we could relax.
The next day we headed off, through Barrow Creek, where Peter Falconio went missing (glad it was daylight when we were there!!!). We stopped to look at the telegraph station where we learnt the significance of the overland telegraph stations - they linked us to the rest of the world.

We had a brief stop at a place called Wycliffe, apparent home of Alien sightings. Boy did they promote themselves as that!
We stopped off and had lunch at the Devil's marbles, a very interesting rocky outcrop. Randall was a bit distracted by a young girl standing on top of one of these rocks - hoping for a repeat striptease act like on the top of Ayres Rock!!!

We arrived at Tennant Creek, a long sprawling depressing town. No nice shops, everything looked rather grotty.Everywhere in the NT there are big signs about alcohol restrictions. As we drove around the back blocks of Tennant Creek, there were even signs on individual houses saying the alcohol was banned on the premises!! We headed a little way out of town to a place called the Pebbles, a smaller version of the Devil's Marbles. It was a nice place to stay, and there were quite a few people staying there as well, so we set up camp for the night. Everywhere we go people come and ask us where we got our firepot. They are always very impressed with it. That night I cooked a delicious steak meal on the bbq with onions tomatoes and potatoes - it went down a treat!! (Please not improvised clothesline - the fence!)

We got up and moved on through Renner Springs and Elliot. We stopped just outside of Elliot for our lunch along with a heap of other caravanners.

Elliot was a dive of a place - wouldn't even risk using the loo at the service station - Randall got ours out of the back of the car and put it in the caravan for me :) Kept moving and decided to make our overnight stop at Daly Waters. It is an amazing place - caravans fill up the place during the day, have the Beef and Barra meal at the pub, then head off the next morning. We had a great night, enjoyed the meal and the entertainment. they certainly know how to draw the caravanners in.

We had a swim in the pool this morning which was lovely. Almost overnight we have reached the warm weather.

Wouldn't you know it - the first time I put my sandals on, they break on me!!There is a tree here called Stuart's tree, and he is presumed to have carved the letter S on it when he stopped here. Randall and I walked along to have a look at it. I'll be blowed if I can see the letter! It is just a dead tree with a plaque next to it.

We are going to stay another night here just so we can relax a bit, then next stop is Mataranka, about 180k's from here.

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